
Thatcham War Memorial, 2018. Photograph by N Young.

Thatcham War Memorial

I have mentioned Thatcham War Memorial before but have had a number of queries since that post. A short history is given in this post. The Great War, or First World War, saw a large portion of the population of Thatcham go to war and a large number never returned. After the war ended Thatcham, […]

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Crookham House

Crookham House

Crookham is one of the 16 or so manors of Thatcham listed in Domesday. The Lord of the manor both before and after the Norman Conquest was Alwi Ceuresbert (there are variations on the spelling). The manor became the property of Reading Abbey around 1125 and was sub-let to Fitz Herbert family, one of whom

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The Kennet and Avon Canal, Thatcham. Photograph by Nick Young.

Navigation, Canal and three Johns

The Kennet and Avon Canal is a fantastic piece of engineering work that is rightly enjoyed and celebrated by many. Like a lot of history there are a number of misconceptions connected to the canal. This post is a brief history, there is far more history than I will cover, in this post at least.

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The Neewer NW-7000 in place.

My audio set-up

In an earlier post I described my Raspberry Pi webcam setup and noted I used an external microphone. Having had some comments I thought some may like to know more about the latter. I had survived on the built in microphone for years, although to be honest it was rare that I would need to

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The King Charles Tavern

The New Street Tavern

In my various history researches I always come across interesting information, some such as noted below, I dig a little deeper on, but are not my direct focus at the time and usually don’t get beyond a note in my research. Going back through my research, some of it, I thought I might share some

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All mounted on a bracket.

Raspberry Pi Webcam

During 2020, as many others will have done, I have spent an awful lot of time in front of the computer, a lot with various online teaching, training, meetings and talks (local history). I have used my built in webcam for this, whilst the webcam was not the best image quality, for my use it

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Old Guildhall in the Market Place.

The name of Newbury

You will not find Newbury in any documents before the Norman conquest, what you will find is Thatcham Hundred consisting of a number of manors. One of those manors is Ulvritone. This was a small settlement somewhere in the Newbury area, possibly in the “City” area. Grey notes in his “The History and Antiquities of

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Newbury, a worldwide phenomenon

Newbury around the World

A number of years ago I gave a talk in which I mentioned how a group of people from the area, Newbury, Berkshire, UK, moved to North America. The people included Rev. Thomas Parker and Rev. James Noyes. In 1634 they arrived in Ipswich (then known as Agawam) and later in 1635 moved along the

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Thatcham milestone. Photograph by Nick Young.

Thatcham milestones

I mentioned previously about the roadside water pumps, the other thing people often ask about are the milestones. Milestones have a long history going back to at least the Romans. They marked every thousandth double step, hence the latin for thousand, “mille”. This equated to 1618 yards or 1479.5 meters. Throughout history the measure of

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